Discovering bluetooth and bluetooth low energy devices

Bluetooth Devices recon and exploitation!

Discovering bluetooth and bluetooth low energy devices

Connect a external adapter CSR4.0 Dongle if you are using virtualbox or Host Machine internal bluetooth works but if you have adapter more better

check with whether blueotooth adapter is working

“#hciconfig” - to check adapter it is connected and running or not

if the adapter is not up run the command “ #hciconfig hcix up”

1. ScanNRecon with “bluetoothctl”

it is preinstalled in linux machines or you can install with [sudo apt-get install bluez]


#bluetoothctl [bluetooth]#help

[bluetooth]#scan on or [bluetooth]#bluetoothctl discoverable on

[bluetooth]#scan off


[bluetooth]# connect 00:12:34:56:78:90

2. ScanNRecon with “hcitool”

#### For non-le devices

sudo hcitool -h -help command

sudo hcitool scan

  • scan for the non LE (Low - Energy) Devices

sudo hcitool info

  • to get the details of the remote devices

sudo hcitool cc

  • to get connect with devices

#### For LE devices

sudo hcitool lescan

  • scan for the LE Devices

sudo hcitool leinfo

  • to find the device information about the LE device

sudo hcitool lecc

  • to get connect with LE devices

#sudo hcitool

3. ScanNRecon with “bettercap”

#sudo bettercap


#help ble.recon

#ble.recon on

#ble.recon off

#ble.enum “